Ph.D. Dual Degree Agreement between University of Cagliari, Italy and Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
瀏覽次數:395雙聯學程名稱Name of dual degree program:
Ph.D. Dual Degree Agreement between University of Cagliari, Italy and Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
學程資訊Offered program and details
- 授予學位Degree to award:理學博士Doctor of Philosophy
- 赴外時長Duration of the study in the partner country:8-18個月at least 8 months and no more than 18 months long
- 語言Language requirement:英文English
- 本院參與系所/學位學程Units involved in Program:中草藥臨床藥物研發博士學位學程Ph.D. Program in Clinical Drug Development of Herbal Medicine
- 學費Tuition :於北醫大須繳交學費;卡利亞里大學免繳交學費 (但需支付16.00EUR/year stamp duty)。其他所有一切額外的花費、健康照護、旅行等相關費用、住宿以及個人是屬於該學生個人的責任。Students are required to pay the tuition fee of TMU, while the tuition fee of UniCa is waived (but a stamp duty of EUR16 per year is required). All other additional expenses, health care, travel and other related costs, accommodation and personal expenses are at students’ own expense.
- 作業時間Application schedule:截止日依公告辦理。Please refer to the announcement for the deadline.
- 甄選標準Selection criteria:1.具本學程在學學籍兩年級(含)以上。2.已修習本學程所規定12學分(含)以上。3.需檢具申請日起5年內多益分數750分(含)以上或其他同等考試合格語言能力證明。4.經本學程會議核可後推薦,參加雙聯甄選者,不得對甄選最後結果有任何異議。1. Be enrolled in the Program for at least two years. 2. Have obtained at least 12 credits specified by the Program. 3. Have proof of English proficiency with a minimum TOEIC score of 750 or other equivalent examinations within 5 years of the application date. 4. Those who participate in the joint degree program screening process by recommendation upon the approval of the Program Meeting shall not have any objection to the final results of the selection.
- 申請名額Number of places:自108學年度起,每年最多3名。每年名額雙方會進行審查後異動。From the academic year 2019/2020, the maximum number of students enrolled in the program will be 3 for each institution every year. This number may be reviewed every year at the request of one or both of the partner Institutions.
- 申請文件Application forms:請見網站”辦法規章”的申請表Please see the application form in the "Regulations" of the website.
- 課程資訊/學分折抵Program courses/credits transferable:請見網站”辦法規章”的申請細則Please see the application guidelines in the "Regulations" of the website.
- 學程介紹Program introduction:臺北醫學大學於2018年12月12日簽訂之雙聯學位合作計畫。學生於本校修業至少滿二年後,並達成相關修業內容,經審查通過後義大利就讀,並完成資格考及博士論文口試,符合兩校所有畢業要求後,即授予兩校學位證書。On December 12, 2018, Taipei Medical University signed Ph.D. Dual Degree Agreement. Students who have completed at least two years of study at TMU and have attained the relevant academic content, are reviewed and approved to study in Italy, and complete Doctoral Candidacy Examination and the Graduation defense of the doctoral dissertation, and meet all the graduation requirements of both universities, will be awarded a degree certificate from both universities.
- 職涯發展參考Career perspective:由於藥學院具有許多藥物開發相關之基礎與臨床專業之人才,期望本博士學位學程的成立,讓中草藥研發人才可以由碩士班(生藥學研究所)至博士班(中草藥臨床藥物研發博士學位學程)連貫訓練,並結合院內教師、產業界與相關臨床資源,組成跨領域、跨國研究開發團隊,讓中國醫藥在臺北醫學大學藥學院開花結果。Since the Collage of Pharmacy has many drug development-related and clinical professional talents, it is hoped that the establishment of this Ph.D. program will allow herbal medicine research and development talents to be trained from the master's program (Graduate Institute of Pharmacognosy) to the Ph.D. program (Ph.D. Program in Clinical Drug Development of Herbal Medicine), and to combine the faculty, industry, and relevant clinical resources to form a cross-disciplinary and multinational research and development team, so that Chinese medicine can blossom in the Collage of Pharmacy of Taipei Medical University.
- 合作校院系所網頁TMU host program/ department website:https://corsi.unica.it/sciviamfa/
- 獎學金資訊Scholarships/Stipends:請見網站”辦法規章”的申請表Please see the application form in the "Regulations" of the website.